Thursday, March 19, 2020

Corona Virus

Corona Virus

This is my report about the coronavirus. 

The coronavirus can kill old people. 

More people have been recovering from it then dying from it. 

The Coronavirus virus is really deadly for people in China and

 Scientists are trying to find out what the coronavirus is making
people very sick.

The virus started in China and it is very bad for people.

bailey Invention

My  Invention

My invention is a robot  that can connect
to your  phone and that can connect to
your shoes. Also it can connect  to your
back pack so that if you want to do
something, it can come along.
  It is called the robot connector 50021.
The best thing is it can clean up for you if
you're tired.

 By Bailey Chaffey-Beets

Wednesday, March 18, 2020